Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Children's Court of Western Australia
Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Children's Court of Western Australia

Appearance of Counsel - Check in Procedure

Information Note

To assist all Court staff and presiding judicial officers, when Counsel appear before the Court in a matter, can you please ensure that upon arrival at the Courthouse, you check in with the Broadspectrum Security Officers at the front desk and have your name included on the Daily Court List.

By taking the time to do this, officers can radio the information into the Courtroom where the Court Orderly can update their Court Lists and provide up to date information to the presiding judicial officer and judicial support officer of your appearance.

In cases where you are not in the Courtroom, staff can advise the presiding judicial officer of your appearance and have you paged to appear before the Court.

Please also note, at the conclusion of your matter, it is etiquette to remain at the bar table until Counsel for the next matter arrives, or the presiding judicial officer excuses you from the bar table.

Your cooperation in compliance of the above is appreciated.

Judge D J Reynolds

President of the Children's Court of Western Australia
19 October 2017

Last updated: 2 March 2023

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