Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Children's Court of Western Australia
Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Children's Court of Western Australia

Child Witness Service

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The Child Witness Service can give free emotional support and help a child under the age of 18 be ready for court.

This service does not provide services to accused children.

Child Witness Service can:

  • Assess whether the child needs to give evidence in court.
  • Help a child arrange to give evidence on CCTV from another room in the building instead of the courtroom.
  • Keep the child and family informed about court dates.
  • Explain where everyone in the courtroom will be and what they do, and what will happen.
  • Go through the meaning of some of the legal words that they might hear.
  • Give the child support on the day they have to give evidence, either in the courtroom or by CCTV.
  • Deal with the prosecutor so they can keep the child and family informed about what is happening in the case.

Contact the Child Witness Service by telephone on 08 9425 2850 or 1800 818 988, or by email.

Last updated: 10 April 2024

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